Dubuque, IA
Check out our state-of-the-art Medical Office Building (Grand River Medical Group) in Dubuque, Iowa!Â

Idaho Falls, ID
This two-story medically-based 28,389 sq. ft. medical office building is located in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The facility houses a number of specialists that treat chronic disease including cardio and renal diseases, pulmonary diseases, degenerative arthritis and joint pain, and chronic pain management.


Heritage Christian Schools
Heritage Christian Schools - New Berlin, Wisconsin
Heritage Christian Schools is an independent educational organization that is governed by a board made up of school parents, pastors, business people, and interested citizens. The school board sets organizational policies for the school and employs a superintendent to carry out the mission of the school.

JAck Safro
Safro Toyota - Brookfield, Wisconsin
This automobile dealership has been designed to meet manufacturer's brand identity requirements and more importantly, to satisfy strict architectural design guidelines of the local municipality. The project fronts on a busy arterial road where the high speeds of passing traffic demand a recognizable architectural form. The several brands under a single roof are separated into quadrants to help introduce customers to the various vehicle types.